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Operation and maintenance manuals for buildings - a guide ..

Operation and maintenance manuals for buildings - a guide to procurement and preparation (C507)

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It has never been more important for owners, occupiers and maintainers to keep accurate records of their buildings. As well as the need to comply with a growing body of health, safety and environmental legislation, there is also mounting pressure to limit the costs of using buildings. An operation and maintenance (O&M) manual is a valuable tool to help achieve these aims.

This user-friendly guide looks at the benefits of O&M manuals, indicates the likely readership and provides advice on how to specify, procure, use and maintain a manual. It gives essential guidance on structure, format and content, provides checklists and investigates the options for applying IT to the production, maintenance and use of these manuals, covering operating systems, on-line documentation storage and electronic data interchange. Although aimed principally at medium and large new construction projects, the basic principles are also applicable to smaller projects and existing buildings.

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ISBN: 978-0-86017-507-0
Author: CIRIA
Number of pages: 60 (paperback)
Publisher: CIRIA
Date of Publication: November 1999

Discounted member price: 45.00
85.00 (ex. VAT)
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