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Geotechnical Asset Owners Forum

The Geotechnical Asset Owners Forum (GAOF) provides a platform for those involved with the management of geotechnical and related assets to share and exchange ideas, information, research themes and other issues. The Forum facilitates topical, important and forward thinking discussions for the mutual benefit of the asset owning community and the users of those assets.

The scope of the forum comprises geotechnical and related assets, which include the following: Earth structures - typically embankments and cuttings; Foundations; Retaining structures; Geotechnically processed ground - typically stabilised or improved ground; and Earthworks drainage.

GAOF is a self-financed membership based forum and is endorsed by the Department for Transport.

Since 2007, GAOF has been highly successful in delivering industry collaboration. The group aims to:
  1. Pool ideas and experiences in managing geotechnical infrastructure for collective benefit by the identification, development and dissemination of associated research, advice and Standards.
  2. Identify and prioritise technical and research needs on topics which promote best practice management of geotechnical assets by influencing research and other activities which support the priorities identified by the membership.
  3. Promote co-operation, collaboration and partnerships amongst geotechnical owners through inviting select organisations to become members.
  4. Develop an effective communication strategy to promote and publicise co-operation and collaboration within the geotechnical infrastructure community.

Geotechnical Asset Owners Forum Founding Members
Highways England 
Network Rail 
Transport for London – London Underground

Geotechnical Asset Owners Forum Supporting Members
Transport Northern Ireland 
Welsh Government 

Geotechnical Asset Owners Forum Regular Contributors
ADEPT North (Lincolnshire County Council) 
Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS)
Canal and River Trust
Environment Agency 
Scottish Canals 
Translink (Northern Ireland) 
Transport Infrastructure Ireland 
Transport Scotland 
updated 11/19