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Application of Eurocode 7 to the design of flood embankments (RP1000)

Eurocode 7 is the EU standard for the design of geotechnical structures. Its use in public sector works became mandatory in EU member states in 2010 and it has been implemented in varying ways by member states. 

As a result of the collaborative research project on producing the International Levee Handbook (ILH), the practices of other leading EU countries in relation to the interpretation and application of Eurocode 7 to levees (or flood embankments as levees are referred to in the UK) have become evident to the UK research team and the UK National Backing Group. A workshop was organised in January 2013 to discuss these practices.

It was clear that the more proactive EU nations (France, the Netherlands and Germany) had taken, or were in the course of taking, action at the national level to ensure that appropriately useful documents are available alongside Eurocode 7 to guide its consistent application to levees. As a result of the workshop it was recommended that consideration should be given to producing a guide for UK that would provide appropriate interpretation of EC7 in the context of the International Levee Handbook. A key reason for this is to provide for consistent and cost-effective application of the Eurocode.

The aim of the project is to provide guidance to UK practitioners on the interpretation and application of EC7 in the context of flood embankment design, construction and management to be read alongside the International Levee Handbook. The guide will address a gap in current UK practice in relation to the current Eurocode 7. Secondly it will also support and inform UK involvement alongside other leading EU nations in securing appropriate improvements in the updated EC7. The guide would therefore provide important guidance in the period leading to the implementation of the next version of EC7 in or after 2020 and also help ensure that UK policy and practice is reflected in the next edition of the Eurocode.

Project status

This project started in October 2013 and is currently in the drafting stages.

Project funders
The project is supported financially by the public bodies involved in supporting CIRIA’s International Levee Handbook:
UK: Environment Agency/Natural Resources Wales, Scottish Government/SEPA; Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Northern Ireland
Ireland: Office of Public Works

Research contractor