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Community of Practice - CIRIA Geospatial (RP3252)

The Geospatial sector can play a vital role in the wider construction industry, particularly within asset management. Having the potential to assist throughout an entire project lifecycle in certain instances, from scoping through to development, execution, monitoring and beyond. Collaboration and knowledge sharing is needed to improve the awareness across industry of current activity in the sector, and how it can be used to progress collectively into a more digital world. CIRIA propose the development of a Geospatial Community of Practice (CoP) to aid communications within industry in this sector.

CoP activities will include:
  • Quarterly community events (webinars/workshops) will support knowledge sharing and good practice and will be free to network members.
    • Event themes and topics would be scoped and planned by the Community of Practice, to ensure a healthy forward plan for future events. Initial event themes can be found in the full proposal (subject to discussion)
  • Six-monthly meetings for information sharing, invited presentations and updates from members and other stakeholders
  • Supporting a moderated shared web space for the sharing of information between members and to maintain discussion strands on selected topics
  • Exchange information in this fast-moving area, and identify further gaps in information and support the development of new projects to address this

Project status
This project has started and is seeking industry support and involvement.

Current funders
Asterra, Centre Maps Live, Environment Agency, Geofem, Network Rail, Ordnance Survey, Sixense, Welsh Government. 

Further information
Download the full proposal below to see a detailed description of the potential annual programme in the first two years of the CoP. For further information or to get involved please contact Jack Young.

Project proposal
(Adobe PDF File)