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Geotechnical slope drainage (P3284)

Slope drainage applies to both embankment and cutting drainage and includes but is not limited to Slope, Counterfort, Herringbone, Crest and Toe drains. The causes of slope failures where drainage is foundational are broad and include, design, specification and construction with a significant influence post construction drawing in handover processes, inspection and maintenance.

This project will develop guidance on the design, specification, construction, post-construction operation and maintenance of slope drainage systems applicable across the infrastructure landscape in Britain and Eire and beyond. The project will address all forms of geotechnical slope drainage systems bringing together current research knowledge, industry good practice, experience from owners and operators of linear infrastructure, to create unified guidance.

The new guidance will actively contribute to responding to the recommendations of Rail Accident Investigation Branch accident report on the fatal Carmont rail derailment, where severe rainfall and standardised drainage solutions were the cause of the landslip which resulted in a train derailment and three fatalities.

The new guidance will be fully compatible, aligned and directly reference recent CIRIA guidance on Natural Slopes and Geotechnical Baseline Reporting.

Download a copy of the full proposal.

Project status
This project is currently seeking technical and financial support.

Further information
For further information or to get involved with this project please contact Andy Moores at CIRIA.