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Engineering in chalk 2nd edition (P3273)

CIRIA published C574 Engineering in chalk in 2002, representing the best knowledge and experience of the time. Over the intervening years thanks to major infrastructure projects in the UK and ongoing research there has been very significant further experience and understanding of this highly variable substrata.

Over the last 20 years, industry expertise and experience has increased and its timely to update C574 to reflect these changes to benefit future infrastructure projects which interface with chalk.

C574 focused on engineering typically associated with infrastructure projects with limited guidance that addressed the construction of the ubiquitous low to medium rise building substructures on near surface deposits. It is intended to expand the guidance to include this sector particularly supporting Building Control Officers, structural and geotechnical engineers, investigating, designing, supervising or inspecting ground bearing foundations and slabs which are typical for this scale of building 

The new guidance will specifically address the question of efficient design and construction practice left in C574 which will be of particular interest to clients, operators and design and construction partners. The update will: 

  • Introduce updated experience of testing using CPTUs with recommendations for identifying the various grades of chalk.
  • Update guidance for sampling and testing in Grade Dm Chalk for which there is limited guidance currently, linking to the inclusion of updates on typical ranges of shear and stiffness parameters for this grade of chalk.
  • Give consideration to the inclusion of information in the FPS(2004) statement paper on bored and CFA piling in Chalk and expanding on this guidance.
  • The new guidance will include and where possible expand on the findings on pile shaft friction from CIRIA PR 86.
  • It is anticipated that further guidance will be developed and included on earthworks using cement and/or lime stabilised chalk.

Download the full proposal.

Project status
Fundraising is currently underway.

Further information

For further information please contact  Andy Moores or Sarah Fray at CIRIA.