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Cost standards for dredging equipment - Guidance update (P3285)

The existing CIRIA guidance (C684) on Dredging Cost Standards was produced in 2009. It provides a European industry benchmark for the costing of dredging activities and provides an independent agreed baseline for clients and contractors to work from. Whilst the costs have been subject to annual update via an addendum to the manual, there is a need to revisit and update the manual in light of technology enhancements with dredging equipment and a drive for improved sustainability and lower carbon operations. There is also the need for the cost standards to incorporate wider international requirements, notably the far east. Working with the International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC) we are planning a comprehensive update to the manual and are seeking funding support and technical representation from across the industry.

Objectives and project output
A guidance document will be produced to bring C684 Dredging Cost Standards fully up to date for 2023, with a particular focus on:

  • An overview of the current dredging industry developments, pressures and opportunities
  • A summary of techniques/assets commonly used and how these meet the needs of improved sustainability, dual fuel, diesel particle factors
  • Evolution of ships (working groups will provide specialist feedback on equipment and barges)

Project proposal
A summary of the project can be found below.

Project status
This project is currently in scoping phase and seeking technical and financial support from industry.

Further information
For more information, please contact Jack Young at CIRIA.

Project proposal
(Adobe PDF File)