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Geophysics, why it is not new but still innovative?

Discussed in CIRIA’s Innovative Site Investigation Hubs seminars in June and November 2019. It was concluded that although there are a handful of guidance documents about geophysics (e.g. CL:AIRE TB 5 The Use of Geophysical Investigation Techniques in the Assessment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater 2007, and the RSK’s report Reference for geophysical techniques and applications and is covered by BS 5930 “Code of practice for ground investigations, etc.). practitioners need to keep up to date with the latest developments, and clients look for case studies that will allow them to have confidence in the geophysics techniques that are and can be useful (if so which ones) for their projects and meet their requirements. Clients would need to know how to appoint and work with geophysics specialists, etc. to ensure the best outcomes for their projects.

CIRIA is developing a proposal trying to provide answers for the questions. If you want to be involved are interested please contact [email protected]. Stay tuned!