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Information Management for SI - How Can We Do Better?

This webinar explores how Building Information Modelling (BIM) and other information management tools could improve data generated from site investigation.

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Managing risks in the ground is an important aspect of construction projects. Many sites may have contamination and other ground hazards such historic mining features, fault lines, etc. An effective site investigation can help minimise the risk of encountering “unforeseen” ground conditions and improve the viability of the entire project.  

Site investigation could generate lots of information about the ground. However it can be like ‘peering at a painting through pinholes’: each one gives only limited detail. It is how these details are pieced together that counts when building a complete picture of the ground. 

Are there any ways that we could manage date better? Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process that manages all information of a construction project during its life cycle. It allows lot of information to be compiled, creating a 3D digital description of the site.  This has used in many aspects of a construction project but not on site investigation.

Why attend?
This webinar will:
- Explore problems with data management for site investigation
- Examine new approaches
- Understand how BIM could be applied in site investigation
- Look at the advantages and limitations
- Consider other things to look out for

Who should attend?
Consultants, contractors, clients, developers, house builders, local authorities, regulators, SI specialists

Wednesday 15th April 2020
4:00pm - 6:00pm


Site investigation data management - the overall picture and anything new?
Holger Kessler, BGS

Free for CIRIA members
Non-members: £35 + VAT

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