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Introduction to Sustainability Champions guidance

In 2021 CIRIA published Sustainability Champions (SP172F) which highlighted new approaches to early project lifecycle decisions resulting in a significant benefits in terms of circular economy principles, materials resource efficiency, waste management and net zero carbon. This case study compendium illustrated how an individual and/or teams facilitated and achieved a sustainability transformation addressing a particular challenge or opportunity, particularly one that has been replicated or become business as usual. The case studies provided the context for the challenges faced, evidence of quantifiable benefits, how individuals and/or teams catalysed the achievement and the lessons learned. 

This webinar showcased some of the Sustainability Champions from CIRIA’s guidance. The objectives were to:

  • illustrate how individuals and their organisations have addressed and implemented new sustainability transformation initiatives.
  • identify the lessons learned, particularly how the initiatives were initially developed, communicated and implemented more widely across the organisation and stakeholders.
  • demonstrate good practice across a wide range of sectors and disciplines which include transport and coastal infrastructure, housing, facilities management, and resource management throughout the UK.

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