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Guidance on management of unexploded ordnance in off-shore situations (RP998)

The Crown Estate published a document in 2010 (1), mainly for dredging and marine aggregate operators, to manage UXO risk associated with dredging munitions. However, little guidance exists for those people involved in other marine activities such as offshore wind farms, cable and pipe laying activities in regards to assessing and managing UXO risk.

Renewable UK have put in place a five year strategy (2012 to 2016) for the development of new guidance and good practice for the renewable energy industry while taking the lead with regard to future policy, regulation and training. The need for succinct guidance is still worthwhile to encapsulate and signpost these relevant frameworks and best practice guides, and to consolidate the assessment and management of UXO risk within the marine environment.

Project aims

CIRIA’s UXO project will help professionals involved in marine developments, eg cables, pipe laying, off shore wind farms with:

  • understanding their responsibilities and liabilities including different risk transfer mechanisms (eg insurance)
  • how to prepare a transparent and robust perceived risk assessment based on scientific, objective principals
  • understand the implications and the uniqueness of UXO hazards for marine developments and how these can affect their risk assessment and management
  • explain what is required in a survey, the principles and what circumstance the different surveying methods should be applied
  • understand the advantages and limitations of available approaches and keep up-to-date with emerging technologies in the site survey
  • how to appoint competent professionals to carry out the risk assessment
  • how the risk of UXO can be managed effectively with other technical and construction risks
  • work more efficiently with other regulators, the public, government bodies, and other stakeholders.


(1) The Crown Estate (2010) Dealing with munitions in marine sediments. Marine Estate, London, UK.

Project status

Research contractor selection is currently underway.

For more information contact [email protected].