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Rock slope netting design, installation and maintenance

Ticket information
This is an invitation only event. To express an interest in attending, please contact [email protected].

8 December 2014, 10.00 - 15.30

This workshop is an opportunity to input and influence an important piece of research, the project output of which will be used by industry practitioners and UK infrastructure owners/operators.

The workshop will enable CIRIA to propose and for delegates to agree on a scope of works for the project. This would include an outline contents page (i.e. essential content vs. optional content), guide structure and usability.

The morning session will start with CIRIA outlining the following;
- Aim of the research project
- Workshop objectives
- Expected workshop outcomes.

The afternoon session will be faciliated to allow delegates to discuss in groups what they would expect to see within the CIRIA guidance document. CIRIA encourage delegates to share ideas on what they would expect the guide to cover in terms of conceptualisation, design, implementation and maintenance. The sharing of further reading and sources of information would also be well-received.

CIRIA, Griffin Court, 15 Long Lane, London, EC1A 9PN