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Hidden defects in bridge components

Early insight to CIRIA's new guidance, Hidden defects in bridge components – guidance for detection and management will provide an overview of the guidance document, inform how to appropriately apply the document in practice and cite notable case studies from around the UK.


The UK & Ireland’s bridges play a critical role in support of their countries’ economies and societies. As evidenced by the rarity of bridge failure, they are generally well managed and fulfil their operational requirements.

This webinar will demonstrate how to manage and mitigate against the impacts of hidden defects in critical bridge components. In some cases they have threatened safety to the travelling public. In extreme cases they have resulted in the collapse of bridges without warning. If the risk posed by hidden defects is not managed appropriately then the likelihood of encountering such failures will increase.

Why attend
This webinar will:
  • Present an overview of the new guidance
  • Introduce the audience to management and inspection practices for hidden defects
  • Showcase a number of case studies from across the UK
13.00    Chairman's welcome
             Lee Kelly, CIRIA

13.10    Overview and application of the guide
   John Collins, Senior Engineer, ARUP

13.40    Q & A session

13.55    Chairman's summary

14.00    Close

Who should attend
This event will be of relevant to all professionals in the bridge engineering community, particularly those with the responsibility of managing bridge stock portfolios and inspecting/maintaining bridges. Bridge designers will also find the event of relevance as the guide seeks to demonstrate why future bridges should, wherever possible, ‘design-out’ inaccessible, difficult to inspect bridge components.

8 November 2016
13.00 - 14.00

FREE for CIRIA members
£35 + VAT for all other attendees

If you are having problems registering for this event online please contact Patrick Williams on 020 7549 3300 or email [email protected].

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